Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

1. The Service

1.1. Under the terms of this contract, Eurideas Language Experts (hereinafter the Translation Agency) provides translation from various languages into various languages and vice versa, in various fields, of documents in electronic and paper form and documents accessible via the Internet. It also provides text editing, interpreting and editing for publication.

2. Establishment of contract

2.1. The contract may be established by traditional means (order and confirmation in person or by fax) or electronically (online: order and confirmation by e-mail or internet). The Customer and the Translation Agency may make a flat-rate or other contract. The confirmation or written contract must define which document the Customer requests to be translated, the languages to be translated from and to, the time limit, which services the Customer requests, the payment terms and any special needs of the Customer.

2.2. The contract may be established via the Translation Agency’s staff, as follows:

  • The Customer sends the translation/interpretation request to the agency by e-mail or through the Translation Agency`s website. The Customer can also communicate his request by phone.
  • In response to the request, the Customer receives a quotation through e-mail. The quotation is exclusive of VAT (in case we need to charge VAT, the VAT in Hungary is 27%).
  • The Customer can make the order after accepting these General Contract Terms. After the order has been submitted, the Translation Agency sends a confirmation by electronic means.

3. Translation and text editing

3.1. The Translation Agency checks the document submitted and immediately notifies the Customer upon finding any illegible parts or noticing any other formal or technical fault.

3.2. In pursuit of the highest possible quality, linguistic accuracy and appropriateness, the Translation Agency subcontracts the service to translators translating into their native language.

3.3. The Customer is obliged to cooperate with the Translation Agency in the course of performing the contract, such as by providing a list of special abbreviations, the name of the company in a foreign language or specialised terminology, or by assisting in interpreting these.

3.4. The Agency may charge an extra fee if the Customer changes the source text after order confirmation.

3.5. The Translation Agency, according to the Customer’s request, sends the translated document to the Customer at the Translation Agency’s expense on-line or at the Customer’s expense off-line.

3.6. The Agency`s minimum fee for translation and editing services is 30-50 EUR per language combination.

4. Interpretation

4.1 The Agency primarily works with interpreters based in Brussels, thus no travel and accommodation costs are charged, unless it is stated differently in our quote sent to the Customer.

4.2 The Agency guarantees the costs until 10 calendar days before the interpretation takes place. If the job is not ordered until this date, the Agency reserves the right to withdraw from the offer or increase the price. If a job is ordered after this date, the order is confirmed only if the Agency confirms the availability of the interpreters in writing.

4.3 The interpreters are not always native speakers of the source and/or target languages, therefore the Agency does not accept any complaints about the accents of the interpreters.

4.4 The Agency requests Customers to give us as many background materials as possible and provide the speeches/presentations at least 2 days before the interpretation takes place. We do not accept any quality complaint if the Customer did not provide the relevant background materials.

4.5 Briefing the interpreters

The Customer can brief the interpreters earliest 7 days before the interpretation takes place.

  • Briefing the interpreters through telephone is free of charge.
  • In case of briefing the interpreters personally, the usual interpretation fees apply.

4.6 The Agency reserves the right to charge extra in case the interpreters need to work longer than it is defined in the initial order of the Customer. The interpreters` availability for the extra work is not guaranteed.

4.7 Cancellation

The interpretation assignment can be cancelled free of charge until 20 calendar days before the interpretation work. In case of later cancellation, the Customer needs to pay a cancellation fee, which is

  • 50% of the total amount until the 8th calendar day (inclusive) before the day of the interpretation,
  • 100% of the total amount after the 7th calendar day (inclusive) before the day of the interpretation.

5. Editing for publications

5.1. The Agency takes on design and typesetting assignments.

5.2 The agency is not entitled to add new design elements, however, during the typesetting work, slightly changing the existing design might be necessary (due to longer language versions). The Agency carries out the typesetting to its best knowledge, and it does not accept any complaints due to the design changes it had to implement.

6. Time limits

6.1. Saturday, Sunday and public holidays and the day of receipt of the source document are not included in the time limit. Neither does the time limit include the period in which the Translation Agency was unable to start the translation because the source document was illegible, damaged or suffered a fault in transmission, if the Translation Agency notifies the Customer accordingly.

6.2. If the Customer does not state a particular time limit, the Translation Agency will assume the normal time limit.

7. Payment terms

7.1. The cost of the translation is payable against an invoice 30 days after delivery of the translated document. Payment may be made by bank transfer or by internet using a credit card or PayPal upon making the order.

7.2. In case of assignments of a higher value than 5000 EUR, the Translation Agency may ask 50% prepayment of the total amount. Translation work will be started only when Customer paid the requested amount.

7.4. The Customer acknowledges that in case of late payment it is obliged to pay lateness interest at the rate equivalent to twice the current central bank base rate.

8. Defective performance, liability, compensation

8.1. The Translation Agency declares that its actions to settle complaints about defective performance and its obligations to provide compensation, repair or price reduction are as follows:

The Translation Agency will accept complaints within a fixed period after the Customer receives the translated document. This period will be 10 working days in the case of normal time limit, and 5 working days in the case of urgent time limit.

The complaint must exactly identify the passage concerned and give the reason for the complaint. If the Translation Agency accepts the complaint, it will correct the defective passage within the normal or urgent time limit in accordance with the number of characters concerned. If there is repeated defective performance, the Customer may cancel the contract by giving the Translation Agency written notice and by paying a charge equivalent to 50% of translation charge.

In case of dispute, the Translation Agency may send the translation to an independent expert, who will inspect and comment on the translation. The Translation Agency will then take the appropriate action, which may be rejection of the complaint, correction, compensation or price reduction. If the complaint was ungrounded, the Customer will be obliged to pay the costs of the independent expert.

8.2. The Translation Agency does not accept liability for:

  • price discrepancies or other damage or costs arising from quotation requests or registration involving a deviation from the true facts,
  • damage arising from the Customer’s partial or complete failure to fulfil his or her cooperation obligation,
  • ambiguous wording or ideas in the wording and content of the source text,
  • slippage and damage arising from formal or technical faults (corrupted file, illegibility, etc.) and defective content in the source document,
  • damage arising from a fault in transmission of the source document, or loss, damage or destruction of the document in transmission,
  • damage arising from source content which is in breach of copyright,
  • other late performance or damage for which the Translation Agency is not at fault.

The Customer may lodge a claim against the Translation Agency for compensation in respect of unsatisfactory translation or editing only if he or she has requested correction and is not satisfied with the result.

The Translation Agency undertakes to reimburse proven damage up to the amount of the charge for the service. No claim for compensation or other claim may be made on the basis of a fault in performance after six months following performance.

The Translation Agency’s compensation liability is restricted by the fact that the translation it provides is not an attested translation; the linguistic accuracy and appropriateness of the translation cannot be proved by specific facts; and evaluation of the translation may be influenced by personal convictions and interpretations.

8.3. In case of late performance by the Translation Agency, the Customer is entitled to cancel the contract by written notification of the Translation Agency after more than 1 working day delay in the case of urgent time limit and after more than 3 working days’ delay in the case of normal time limit. If the Translation Agency’s performance is late, the Customer will need to pay the charge reduced by 5% per day.

9. Extinction of the contract

9.1. The contract between the Customer and the Translation Agency established as defined above has a fixed term which ends upon the performance of the service and rendering of the valuable consideration defined therein. The Contracting Parties may amend or terminate the contract by written common agreement at any time.

9.2. The Customer may cancel the contract at any time upon reimbursing the Translation Agency for its certified costs and damages, but after accepting the translation her or she must pay the translation charge unless the Translation Agency did not deliver the translation within the time limit given in the contract or refused to correct it without good reason, or did not complete it within the time limit, or seriously breached this contract in another way.

9.3. The Translation Agency may terminate the contract at any time if the Customer does not perform its contractual obligations or severely breaches the contract in another way.

10. Scope and validity of the contract

Unless an agreement is made to the contrary, and beyond the contents of the order and the confirmation, performance of orders will be governed the general contract terms defined herein.

The Parties may deviate from these by written common consent. These general contract terms will be valid until they are withdrawn.

11. Closing provisions

11.1. The Parties are obliged to cooperate with each other with a view to performing this contract and to notify each other immediately of any problem arising which may obstruct, restrict or delay performance. Transmission and exchange of e-mails will constitute written notification and information during the term of this contract.

11.2. The Customer and the Translation Agency are obliged to safeguard all business secrets, data, information and facts which come to their knowledge in the course of performing the contract and whose disclosure to an unauthorised third party would violate or endanger the personal interests of the parties or a third party. They will refrain from any conduct which harms or could harm the reputation of the other party or a third party, or could cause injury to economic interests.

Data Protection Regulations

Protection of customers’ data

Eurideas Language Experts guarantees complete protection of data provided for storage by customers. The data entrusted to the service provider are not accessible to third parties either in whole or in part.

To assist its translation activities, the Translation Agency reserves the right to use the translation memory produced during the translation carried out for the customer in a form that is free of personal data. It is impossible to retrieve data from specific translations from the translation memory.

The Agency in every case treats in confidence the customer’s data which it receives during registration or making the contract. It uses this data exclusively for the purpose of:

  • making contact with the customer in connection with the service,
  • making contact for the purpose of invoicing and settling accounts.

Data which may be known by the service provider is given voluntarily. Upon registration, the user consents to the Agency recording his or her data. The Agency reserves the right to delete personal data coming into its possession, and gives the user the opportunity to delete it. It is not possible to restore deleted data.

The Agency will at any time provide information on the data it handles at the request of a registered user, who may inspect, alter or delete the data at any time, online.

Data handling principles

  • data may only be obtained and processed fairly and legally;
  • data may be stored only for a specific and legal purpose and may not be used in any other way;
  • storage of data must be proportionate to its purpose and must be appropriate to this purpose and not extend beyond this;
  • data must be accurate and if necessary up-to-date;
  • data must be stored in a way that permits identification of the subject of the data only for the period necessary for the purpose of storage;
  • appropriate security measures must be taken to protect personal data stored in automated data files to prevent accidental or illicit destruction, accidental loss, or illicit access, alteration or dissemination.
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