European Union translation

European Union translation

Our objective is to meet the EU and international institutions’ needs for translation and linguistic advice for all types of written communication, to support and strengthen multilingualism in the European Union.

We have been involved in several European Union-funded projects, therefore besides the linguistic requirements, we are aware of the internal mechanisms of the EU Institutions, their functioning, and administrative requirements. We thoroughly understand how the Institutions work and the terminology they use, even if this is sometimes difficult to understand for the general public.

We cooperate with Members of the European Parliament, with almost all political parties of the European Parliament, the EASME, national and regional representations to the EU, national governments, ministries, several European associations, organizations such as the Eurocities, think tanks and the media. We regularly participate in EU-funded projects and EU tenders as subcontractors, as we know the requirements and quality standards of the European Commission.

Our translators are qualified to translate documents relating to EU and international affairs, politics and international development. In addition to an excellent command of the target language, they have knowledge of European Union terminology, they are familiar with official linguistic resources, and they demonstrate adaptability and judgment, along with the ability to grasp varied and often complex issues.

Types of document

We translate a wide range of EU-related documents: speeches and speaking notes, briefings and press releases, international agreements, policy statements, technical studies, financial reports, project reports, scripts and captions for films and other promotional material, correspondence with ministries, firms, interest groups and individuals, web pages and publications of every size and format on a huge range of topics for opinion formers and the general public.

Extensive quality control

We have mechanisms in place to guarantee the quality of translated texts through revision, checking and supervision. Our project managers provide the translators with reference materials before they start working on a translation and they receive feedback after the translation is completed. Consistency in terminology is guaranteed by the use of translation memories and databases of core EU terminology (Eur-Lex, IATE, etc.).


Our interpreters, many of whom are accredited by the EU Institutions, are specialists in their professional area. We select our interpreters very carefully, based on predefined criteria such as professional background, experience, and proactive attitude. Since most of our assignments take place in the European Parliament, it is critical that the interpreters we work with have experience in working in the EP.

EU tenders

We are glad to participate in EU tenders as subcontractors. If you are planning to include translation services in your project, please involve us during the tendering phrase, so that we might help you with our input.

Read our EU/international institutions-related case studies:
>>> We love a good challenge: how to deal with exotic languages
>>> Easy to read, not so easy to do
>>> How relay interpreting works in practice
>>> 2 languages, 20 documents, 70,000 words – one extraordinary project
>>> Translating success stories for the InvestEU website

Some of our clients >>>

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