We have a great track record of providing translation and interpretation services in relation to different EU policies and EU funded projects, including human rights and development, law, patents, chemistry, technical, energy and environment, health, education, and politics/government.
We translate websites, publications, brochures, newsletters, reports, press releases and position papers, as well as we provide simultaneous / online interpretation services during conferences and debates, which are usually organized in the European Parliament, in the Social and Economic Committee, in the Committee of the Regions, or at other venues in Belgium, the UK, France and Germany.
Some of our main clients
International organisations and authorities:
Australian Embassy in Brussels
Center for Global Development
Embassy of Barbados in Brussel
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
ICMPD (International Centre for Migration Policy Development)
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
OCTA (Overseas Countries & Territories)
Principality of Liechtenstein
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency)
UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
UNRISD (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development)
USA European Media Hub
The World Bank
WF (United Nations World Food Programme)
WHO (World Health Organization)
EU affairs:
ALDA (European Association for Local Democracy)
BEUC (The European Consumer Organization)
CEPOL (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training)
CEPS (Centre fo European Policy Studies)
CERE (Centre on Regulation in Europe)
COFACE Families Europe
Culture Action Europe
EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)
EFA (The Greens/European Free Alliance in the European Parliament)
EFTA Surveillance Authority
EPC (European Policy Centre)
EPLO (European Peace Building Liaison Office)
EPP Group in the European Parliament
Europe Active (formerly EHFA)
European Commission
European Parliament
FEBA (European Food Banks Federation)
Federal State Government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
FEPS (Foundation for European Progressive Studies)
FES (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
Friends of Europe
KAS (Konrad Adenauer Stiftung)
Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union
Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union
S&D Group in the European Parliament
Keller and Heckman LLP
Lydian full-service business law firm
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Human rights:
C&A Foundation
Caritas International
Clooney Foundation for Justice
Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte
ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles)
ERRIN (European Return and Reintegration Network)
Forus / IFP (International Forum of National NGO Platforms)
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
Heinrich Böll Foundation
ICTJ (International Center for Transitional Justice)
IHRB (Institute for Human Rights and Business)
IOM (International Organization for Migration)
IPHR (International Partnership for Human Rights)
Missing Children Europe
OSI (Open Society Justice Initiative)
Oxfam Solidarity
Refugee Rights Europe
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Life sciences / Health, medical, pharmaceuticals :
Aquaculture Advisory Council
Atlantis Health
Babor Cosmetics
Das Lebenshaus
ECPC (European Cancer Patient Coalition)
EFA (European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations)
EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations)
EMSP (European Multiple Sclerosis Platform)
EPF (European Patients’ Forum)
EPHA (European Public Health Alliance )
EUFIC (European Food Information Council)
European Association of Euro-Pharmaceutical Companies
FARMDP (Farm Design Inc.)
FoodDrink Europe
HCWH (Healthcare Without Harm)
Incisive Health
International Diabetes Federation
Lantmännen Medical AB
LOBA Feinchemie GmbH
LSE Health
Medix Laboratories
Medtech Europe
ocean pharma GmbH
Pearmine Health Ltd
Provital France
SBM Life Science S.A.S
Smoke Free Partnership
The Health Policy Partnership
Verdesian Life Sciences
World Hepatitis Alliance
Chemical industry:
Action Pin
Afton Chemicals
Agrauxine by Lesaffre
Airedale Group
ARCHE Consulting
Biosynth AG
CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council)
CEHTRA (Consultancy for Environmental & Human Toxicology & Risk Assessment)
Chemical Watch
ChemService S.r.l.
Christeyns N.V.
CID Lines
CSI (Compliance Services International)
Doff Portland Ltd
Donau Chemie AG
EAA (European Aluminium Association)
EUPC (European Plastics Converters Association)
FEICA (Association of the European Adhesive & Sealant Industry)
Glencore International
Hellenic Petroleum SA
Helm Ag
Hexagon Purus GmbH
IFRA (The International Fragrance Association)
ILA (International Lead Association)
International Flavours and Fragrances
ISK Biosciences
JCBD (Japan Chemical Database)
Keyence International
Knoell France
Kwizda Agro
Lomon Billions Group
MGK (McLaughlin Gormley King Co.)
Molymet Chile
Nissan Chemical Corporation
Oro Agri
RIFM (Research Institute for Fragnance Materials )
ETUCE (European Trade Union Committee for Education)
International Trade Union Federation (ITUC)
JA Europe
Learning for Action
University of Cambridge
UNIL – University of Lausanne
University of Zurich
VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Please ask for our detailed reference list in order to see the full list of our main clients. You can do this via the contact form on our ‘Contact us’ page or by sending an email.