Spotlight on health translations

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, November is Men’s Health Awareness Month, and you could go on with the list… actually the last few years have seemed like one long health awareness period. Our health is something we’ve started to look at differently.
No wonder that health-related translations now represent a larger share of our projects than before.
Beyond COVID-related documents, here are four examples of recent assignments:
- For years we’ve translated various materials into 11 languages for the Personalised Medicine Awareness Month campaign of ECPC, the largest European non-profit cancer patients’ association.
- We continuously assist Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe, an international non-profit association, with translation and typesetting services to lead the global movement for environmentally-responsible health care. Measuring and reducing plastic in the healthcare sector, and sustainable food contact materials in the European healthcare system, are just two of the recently published papers we worked on.
- Translations for the VAC-PACT project (Vaccination Confidence – Patients’ and Professionals’ Awareness, Communication and Trust) kept us busy last August and September. This EU-funded project is designed to improve vaccine uptake and confidence, and provides patients with chronic diseases, health professionals, and supporting communities, with tailored information in all the official languages of the European Union. Factsheets, quick guides, e-learning materials, videos, and the project website are all translated and published in local languages.
- The Health Policy Partnership, a specialist health policy research organisation, has been working with us since mid-2020. As a result of our cooperation, a policy toolkit and a clinical toolkit on fragility fractures, a handbook on heart failure care, and a leaflet on heart valve disease, have all been translated into several languages. Beyond translation, we also took care of the layouting of these informative publications in InDesign.
If you have similar translation or multilingual typesetting needs, feel free to contact us.
We are always happy to welcome new clients and interesting projects – not only in the health field!
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Written by Anita Salát, Business Development Manager