5+1 signs that show you work with a specialized translation agency

Chemicals, medical, pharma, biosciences, biotechnology or research are challenging and complex fields, with some very specific documents. Translating such documents are not for any translation agencies.
If your translation partner is not specialized in these domains, the outcome could be not only disappointing, but costly and dangerous too. On the other hand, the right service provider helps your business with more than just accurate translations: you can unlock in-house resources, reduce costs, avoid double work, and keep strict submission deadlines.
How do you know that you work with a professional and specialized translation agency?
We have collected 5+1 clear signs:
1. Experienced translators with chemical/technical background
Whether the translatable files are reports, brochures, SDSs, Exposure Scenarios or registration documents, translators should have chemical and regulatory background, and they should be familiar with legislation and formal requirements.
Check the translation agency’s website for a list of references, blogposts and case studies – these all are proofs of experience in the chemical field.
2. Project managers ask relevant questions
Project managers of a specialized agency will know what you talk about when you say REACH, BPR, SDS, MSDS, Exposure Scenario, SPC or CLP in your translation request. Yet, they will ask relevant questions about your submission deadline or your product.
They help you set up a timing for the project, suggesting options to meet even the most pressing deadlines.
Since they are aware of EC requirements and ECHA processes, and they are familiar with special file formats (e.g: XML) and software (e.g: SPC Editor), communication is effective and easy.
3. Large collection of terms, glossaries, guidelines, procedures
The involvement of clients in terminology work is indispensable as nobody wants misunderstandings and double work. But with a specialized translation agency you can reduce your task to the minimum because your translation partner already has a comprehensive knowledge of the field, with a long list of technical expressions, relevant legislation, guidelines and glossaries.
4. No translation without proofreading
For the best service, each translation has to be proofread by a second translator who is also a native speaker of the target language and expert of the given field.
The proofreader checks the translation against the source document, ensures that the translation is free of errors and complies with the expected terminology and regulations.
Proofreading is a must – especially when a client has no in-house native speakers to check files translated into several languages.
5. Quality control procedure
Quality assurance is the very final step to make sure your translated documents are of the highest standards. QA team members are “invisible guards” behind the scenes for translation excellence. They check terminology, ensure consistency, secure coherence and they are a fresh pair of eyes to spot various issues. With the translator and the proofreader this makes it three people to work on each document.
+1. The more you order, the less the job costs you
Thanks to an advanced software environment and in order to foster long-term cooperation, a professional translation agency offers discounts for repetitions in the translatable document, volume discounts for large orders, and also additional special discounts in some cases.
With the brilliant invention of translation memories, all your previous translations are stored and can be used again in the future. This makes work quicker, more efficient and significantly more cost-effective on the long run.
If your current translator calculates prices without analyzing the document, it is time to find a new translation partner.
If you would like to see how our specialized services can contribute to your success, feel free to get in touch.
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